7 Inspection Tips for Your Sailboat Running Rigging
1. Furling assembly – Inspect for corrosion, cracks, and/or loosening. Inspect your small, mid-range, or big boat blocks for cracks and corrosion.
2. Check Blocks to be certain they spin freely.
3. Clean and lube all your snatch blocks, clutches, and shackles.
4. Clean your sailing lines if they were not cleaned for Winter storage. Place in a washing machine on gentle cycle using a mild soap. Dry in fresh air. This gets rid of the salt and grime built up on your sailing cordage from previous sailing season.
5. Inspect length of lines for wear, tear, and chafing. Lines to inspect include sheets, halyards, control lines, furling line, reefing lines, dock lines, and mooring lines.
6. Inspect integrity of all splices.
7. If cover or core of lines are damaged, be sure to replace before the sailing season.
Call Jonathan at (401) 474-1458 to discuss our recommendations for yacht cordage that will best serve you and your sailing needs.